6 Mind-Blowing Instagram Ad Examples to Drive Ecommerce Sales


Instagram ads are one of the fastest-growing ad platforms with more than a billion monthly active users. That’s a big number and with Instagram being owned by Facebook, there’s plenty of reason to advertise on this platform. One thing to be aware of is that Instagram ads look very different from other platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ad. In fact, when you look at your feed, you probably don’t even know which posts are ads and which ones aren’t. So how can you make sure your Instagram ad looks great and gets lots of conversions? Let me show you some examples.

Move your products inline with the copy.

What the ad is saying: This is an example of how to use a product inline with your copy, even if it doesn't have anything to do with the offer. For example, you can show that you are selling clothing and then follow up with "These shirts are perfect for anyone who wants to show off their love for yoga." You might want to take a look at some similar ads on Instagram and see what kind of images they're using.

  • Use products in your image

  • Use products in your copy

  • Use products in the CTA

  • Use products throughout the body of the ad

Make the offer and CTA obvious in the image.

Make the offer and CTA obvious in the image. This is a must for all Instagram ads, but it's even more important when you have limited space to work with—you need to make sure that your audience can see exactly what they're getting and where they should click. Use contrasting colors and fonts that stand out from the rest of your page to make sure visitors can quickly identify their next steps.

When creating an ad for your ecommerce store, don't forget about contrasting backgrounds! Using a white background is one way to make sure people notice what you've got on offer. If you're using black as a primary color in your feed or profile picture (as many brands do), try adding some bright blue or green text over top of it so that users know exactly what they're seeing when scrolling past this post while browsing their feed.

Show your products in action.

Show your products in action.

If you're selling a product, chances are it's one that people will use or experience in some way. Use Instagram ads to show off how your product works—how it can be used, customized and even used differently depending on the situation or season. The more visually appealing and engaging your ad is, the more likely someone will click through to learn more about what you sell.

Show new arrivals or seasonal items first.

It’s a good idea to show new arrivals or seasonal items first. This can increase the likelihood of users clicking on an ad, as well as driving sales for your ecommerce store.

In order to show the most relevant items first:

  • Include keywords that relate to your product(s). For instance, if you sell sunglasses and sunglasses cases, include “Sunglasses” and “Sunglasses Cases” in both descriptions and titles of your Instagram ads. You should also include keywords that relate to the products themselves (i.e., “Ray Bans”).

  • Use hashtags in every post (including meta tags) so people looking for similar items will be able to find you!

Use GIFs for attention.

A GIF is a short video clip that can be used to show how a product works, how it's used, or even the process of making your product. For example, if you're selling a water bottle made from recycled plastic bottles and you want to show how your product is reused as another, you could post an animated GIF of two cups colliding into each other and transforming into one new cup at the end. It's important that you use high-quality visuals for this type of ad because users may not watch the entire video (especially if it's more than 30 seconds long), so don't waste time on anything but getting right to the point with your message!

Tell a story with videos.

Videos are a great way to tell a story. You can use videos to show how your product works, how it's made, or even how you wear it.

You could also show your products being used in real life situations, or even in different settings.

For example: if you sell cookware sets that come with recipes for different meals and snacks, then you could create an Instagram ad using the video feature of Instagram ads to show those recipes at work while they're cooking on your product (because we all know that people love food). By doing this, you'll be able to showcase all of the benefits of owning one of your products -- not just telling people about them!

Mind-Blowing Instagram Ad Examples to Drive Ecommerce Sales

You've probably heard that Instagram Ads are the way to go, but do you know why?

Instagram Ads are extremely effective at driving sales and traffic because they can be targeted to specific audiences based on their interests. This is a huge advantage over other social media platforms where users can be pretty unpredictable in terms of what they're looking for and what kind of content they'll engage with.

Instagram has also had an enormous impact on e-commerce because it has become one of the most popular places for people to shop online—and it's not hard to see why! The platform offers tons of unique features that help streamline the shopping experience: no page loads, no exit pop-ups, minimal clutter on each photo/video so it's easy to find exactly what you want...the list goes on! Plus there are some serious perks when shopping through your favorite apps like Wish or IGTV.

As if all those reasons weren't enough already (and trust me, there are many more), another reason Instagram Ads might just be worth trying out is because there aren't many rules about them...at least not yet anyway! So if you're ready for something new in your marketing strategy but don't know where else turn yet then keep reading this article until I give away my secrets :)


And the moral of the story is: Instagram is a great place to advertise your business and drive sales. With this increasingly popular platform, you can create an engaging visual image for your brand that attracts customers. You can also use these ads as a way to tell stories about your products and services in order to generate interest from potential shoppers who may not have known about them otherwise.

So if you want to keep up with all current trends out there today then make sure your company has an Instagram account!


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