7 Questions ask before creating a Content Strategy


Creating and maintaining a strong content strategy is one of the most important things you can do for your business. A good content strategy will guide you toward creating targeted, high-quality content that boosts your brand reputation and drives more traffic to your website. A bad strategy could leave you spinning in circles, struggling to figure out what type of content is right for your audience and how best to promote it.

What are the business goals that this strategy is trying to meet?

To get started, it's important to identify the business goals that your content strategy is trying to meet. What are you hoping to accomplish by creating this content? In what way will it help your company achieve its mission or reach its goals?

If you're still unsure about how a content strategy ties into the overall business picture, ask yourself: "How will I know if this strategy is working?" What are some key metrics that determine success for our project?

One way to do this is by looking at the ROI (return on investment) of each piece of content and gauging whether it's worth pursuing further. For example, if we find that an article was shared frequently on social media over a short period of time but didn't increase sales directly afterward (i.e., there wasn't much lift in traffic), then we can conclude that although the article had high engagement rates initially, it didn't have any lasting impact on conversions or sales numbers later down the line—and therefore might not be worth pursuing further as part of our overall content marketing strategy.

Who is your target audience?

Before you start writing, you should be able to answer these questions. This will help ensure that the content you create is relevant to your audience and provides value for them.

Who is your target audience?

Knowing who your audience is can be helpful in many situations. It helps determine what type of content they like to consume, how they like to consume it and if there are any other factors that affect their decisions when it comes time for them to buy from a company or website.

What are the keywords and topics that we should be targeting?

Keywords are the words that people use when they search for information. Knowing which keywords your audiences will use when looking for your product or service is one of the most important parts of creating a content strategy.

Keywords can help you determine what kinds of content you should create. For example, if you are trying to reach new customers in Hong Kong, one of your main keywords might be “Hong Kong” or “China” (depending on how much Hong Kong influences China). Keywords can also help identify topics related to your business, like “how to buy real estate in Hong Kong” or “how lawyers should invest their money today?”

What type of content do we want to create?

What type of content do we want to create?

What is the purpose of the content?

What types of content are we looking for?

How will the content be used?

Are there any content restrictions?

Where will the content live?

  • Where will the content live?

This is an important question to answer, as it can affect how you create and distribute your content. If you have a website, your blog is probably a good place for short-form articles. If you’re on social media, then Twitter DMs may work best for a more conversational tone of voice. It’s also important to consider where people will find and consume that information—and whether or not they have access to it in the first place (i.e., if they aren't web-savvy). Once you know where people are likely to come across your content, then make sure it's easy for them to get there by making links accessible from other areas of the site or app (like headers) so that visitors don't miss them if they aren't looking for them specifically!

  • How easy would it be for me/my audience members/etc.

How will the content be promoted?

Promotion is a key part of your content strategy. You need to promote your content on social media, email marketing and other channels. If you don't have a plan for promoting your content then it will likely go unnoticed by viewers and cause you to lose money.

You also need to consider the costs associated with promotion. If you aren't sure how much it will cost then consider using an estimate calculator like this one: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/255767

Who is responsible for creating the content and how will it be measured?

  • Who is responsible for creating the content and how will it be measured?

  • Content creators should be able to create their own content, but if you need a professional writer or editor, you can hire one.

  • If you don’t have anyone on your team that can create content, consider hiring a freelance writer to do it.

The answers to these questions will help you build a good content strategy.

Before you start building a content strategy, it’s important to answer these seven questions:

  • What is my goal?

  • What are the goals of my company?

  • Who are my target audience types?

  • Where do they hang out on social media and what do they like to talk about there?

  • How can I reach them with the right message at the right time in their journey through our funnel (explain)? Also: how can I get more people into our funnel (explain) and why would they want to come back to our site again (explain)?


If you are looking to build a content strategy for your business or organization, these questions will help you get started. The answers to these questions will help you decide what kind of content is best for your audience and how it can be used as part of an overall marketing strategy. By answering these questions before diving into the process, it will ensure that all parties involved are on board with the plan from start to finish.


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