How to Build a Video Sales Funnel That Works.

"The latest data shows that more and more companies are using video to increase sales. Through a video sales funnel, marketers can generate more awareness of their brand, create demand for their products and services, educate prospects about what they offer, and drive viewers to purchase. In fact, our research shows that when people watch online videos that are relevant to the product or service they're thinking about buying, it moves them toward purchasing faster than any other medium."

5 Types of Videos You Need to Build Your Video Sales Funnel

5 Types of Videos You Need to Build Your Video Sales Funnel

  • Brand Awareness: This is the first video you should make for your business, because it's not about selling anything at all. It's about establishing yourself as a credible and valuable resource in your target market. It’s also a great way to get people interested in what else you have to offer; if they like this one video, then they'll probably want to see more!

  • Lead Generation: A lead generation video is an opportunity for you to tell your story while guiding viewers through the sales funnel process and encouraging them to take action at each step along the way. This is not a place where you can be shy or hesitant—you must be clear about what it is that makes your company amazing if we're going to take our wallets out right now!

  • Customer Acquisition: A customer acquisition video serves two purposes: 1) Guide potential customers through whatever steps remain before making their purchase (e.g., reading reviews, researching other options) and 2) Reinforce how awesome it's going be when they finally buy from us (e.g., “Do this one thing then get access instantly…”).

1. The Brand Awareness Video

The goal of a brand awareness video is to introduce your business and its products or services to new potential customers. Your audience should have no idea who you are or what your company does when they first visit the page that hosts your brand awareness video. This means that you need to spend time talking about yourself and explaining what kind of value you can add to their lives.

A successful brand awareness video should be:

  • Closed Captioned (in order to reach more viewers)

  • Short (5 minutes or less)

  • Narrated by someone other than the owner/founder of the business - ideally in another language aside from English! That way, those who speak only one language don't feel left out!

2. The Lead Generation Video

Now that you have your sales funnel in place, the next step is to use a lead generation video. It's what drives leads into the top of your sales funnel, giving them an opportunity to buy from you.

A lead generation video isn't necessarily a "sales" video -- it's more of a content marketing piece that educates and informs potential customers about your business and offers them something valuable in exchange for their contact information: usually some sort of freebie or offer (but not always).

3. The Customer Acquisition Video

Customer acquisition videos are an effective way to attract new customers. They can be used as a standalone video or integrated into your sales funnel.

For example, you could use a customer acquisition video as the first step in your sales funnel, which would make it part of your lead generation process. Or, if you already have leads but want to improve lead quality and get more people through the door at events or workshops (or other marketing efforts), then this would be considered part of your conversion process.

The common denominator is that they're used to convert prospects into paying customers—and they work! But how?

Customer Acquisition Video Benefits:

4. The Customer Retention Video

The customer retention video is an opportunity for you to keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.

This type of video can have a wide variety of formats, depending on what you want to show your audience. It could be an informative video, where you train them on how to use your product or service; it could be an entertaining webinar or Q&A session; it could even be a testimonial from one of your clients who loves what they've gotten from working with you. In this case, the format should match the message that you want to convey—and it should always serve as an extension of the content in other areas of your business like email marketing campaigns and social media posts.

5. The Sales Growth Video

It's a common misconception that video sales funnels are only for marketing and sales. They can be used to increase customer retention, customer acquisition and brand awareness as well.

In this section we'll cover how you can use a video sales funnel to increase your overall sales growth.

More and more companies are building video sales funnels, but it takes the right kinds of videos to be successful.

Building a video sales funnel is the best way to grow your business, especially if you're just starting out. But how do you do it?

You need more than one video in your funnel, and they have to be relevant to each step of the buyer's journey. You'll also need some e-mail follow up sequences (autoresponders) so that people who watch your videos get additional information and offers as they go through the buying process.


So, you've learned all about the different types of videos you need for your video sales funnel. Now that you know, it's time to get started!


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