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How To Grow Your YouTube Channel, Master Email Marketing, and Boost Blog Traffic

After working with thousands of creators, publishers, and brands globally on YouTube, I've noticed something: many of them are chasing after the wrong metrics. Many brands in particular focus on vanity metrics like views, likes and subscribers instead of revenue-driving and business-oriented metrics like sales, leads or email signups.

In this post you'll learn how to grow your YouTube channel by driving the right kinds of traffic to it while mastering the art of lead generation through email marketing. You'll also get an inside look at how to boost blog traffic by leveraging YouTube's vast reach and scale so that you can increase brand awareness with an audience that's ready to buy.

How To Grow Your YouTube Channel

  • Create a YouTube channel

  • First, you'll need to create a YouTube channel. If you already have one, great! If not, open up the YouTube app on your smartphone or go to https://www.youtube.com/channel_switcher?continue=1 and follow the instructions there. Make sure that your name is catchy and has keyword search potential so that it can be found by people who are looking for content like yours—for example: “Bingo Mommy” instead of “MommyBingo12345”

  • Create a banner image

  • The next step is creating an awesome banner image for your channel so that viewers know what they're getting into before they hit play on any videos from it (and hopefully keep watching!). You want this one element to look professional but also fun since many people will see this first before clicking through to watch any content on your page itself; try using bright colors in interesting patterns or shapes like triangles or squares--anything with contrast will help attract attention quickly!

How To Master Email Marketing

  • Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your audience.

  • You can use email marketing software like MailChimp and Aweber to set up campaigns for your business.

  • If you are starting out, then I recommend setting up a newsletter so that people can subscribe to it. This way, they will receive updates whenever there is new content on your channel or blog!

  • Once you have created an account and started creating newsletters, it's time to send them out! You should try sending one every week or few weeks depending on how often you post videos/articles. This helps build engagement from current fans as well as attract new ones over time by making it easier for them see what's going on behind-the-scenes.

How To Boost Blog Traffic

Here are 16 ways to boost blog traffic and grow your email list:

  • Use SEO. When people search for a topic, Google lists all the sites that have relevant content in its search results. Optimizing your site’s content is one of the best ways to rank highly in search engines and get more traffic.

  • Use social media. There are 1.3 billion active users on Facebook, so it’s a great channel to reach new audiences with high-quality content that they want to share with their friends and followers (that means more exposure for you).

  • Do guest blogging/guest posting. Guest posting helps you gain exposure on other websites, which can help drive organic traffic back to your website over time if done right (i.e., when you write quality articles that add value).

  • Use content marketing tactics like keyword research, planning out how you will use certain keywords throughout an article or infographic, creating engaging titles that include those keywords (but don't overdo them), writing compelling copy optimized for both mobile screens and desktop computers alike...and so much more!

There are a lot of things you can do to grow your YouTube channel, master email marketing or boost blog traffic.

There are a lot of things you can do to grow your YouTube channel, master email marketing and boost blog traffic.

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet and it's owned by Google. Email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to market your business because it's cheap to send emails out compared to other channels like Facebook Ads or Google Adwords. Blogging will allow you to rank on Google for keywords related to whatever niche you're in as well as build authority around your topic which helps people find content that they're looking for when searching online.

Getting Started With YouTube:

If you want more subscribers on YouTube then there are certain things that need doing such as creating videos consistently (at least once per week), having great titles and thumbnails etc., targeting long tail keywords correctly, using a good ad campaign management tool like TubeBuddy or TubeAssist etc., building relationships with other creators and influencers within your niche/industry etc.. Once these things have been done then it's just about growing organically through sharing links via social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook so that viewers can find them easily if they're interested in what kind of content you create regularly because it shows them what topics matter most when deciding whether or not they'd like follow along too!


You’ve now learned how to grow your YouTube channel, master email marketing, or boost blog traffic. These are just some of the methods that worked for us. But there are many other ways you can achieve these goals that aren’t included here. We hope these tips will help you find success in the future!