How to Generate High-Quality B2B Sales Leads


Whether you are a marketer or sales representative, there is a universal truth you should always remember: not all leads are created equal. If your company has a system in place to attract and qualify leads, then it's probably already doing fairly well at generating B2B sales. But if you're like most businesses out there, chances are you've found yourself at least once with an overflowing list of worthless leads that go nowhere.

Focus on qualifying every lead

It’s not enough to just send out so many emails and hope for the best. You have to work on qualifying every lead you receive, even if it means that you won't be able to convert them into customers right away.

Qualifying your leads is an ongoing process and requires the input of multiple people in your organization—marketing, sales, account management and more. It's not a one-time thing or a one-size-fits all approach; rather it needs to be customized based on who each individual prospect is within their company and industry.

Focus on your audience's wants

In order to generate high-quality sales leads, you need to focus on your audience's wants.

So what are the wants of your target market? How can you find out what they want? What is the difference between a want and a need? And how do you use this information to generate leads for your company?

You certainly don't want outdated customer information; that could hurt more than help your business. But if it's not too late and you've already made mistakes like this, here's how to fix them:

Make sure you're getting the right information

  • Don't ask for too much information. Make sure that you're asking for information that is relevant to your business, product, industry, audience and marketing strategy.

  • Don't ask for irrelevant information about buyers. If you want to know if someone is a decision maker in their company or not, don't just ask what their title is—ask them who they report to and how many people report directly below them on the org chart.

  • Don't use questionnaires intended for different kinds of businesses than yours. The same applies when it comes to surveys; if your company doesn’t manufacture its own products but rather resells an existing product (such as a retail store), avoid using questions that are designed only for manufacturers and/or distributors when doing research into target audiences because these questions will likely be irrelevant or confusing for non-manufacturers/distributors who fill out the survey...

The results of not qualifying leads

If you don’t take the time to qualify your leads, you will waste time and money chasing unqualified leads. You will also lose customers who are not a good fit for your business. You will lose customers who are not ready to buy. You will lose customers who are not ready to buy now. And perhaps most importantly, if you don’t qualify your leads properly, it’s likely that people aren’t going to buy from you at any price.

Don't let this happen! If someone isn't qualified as a lead yet then there's no point in wasting time on them!

Don't forget to follow up!

  • Don't forget to follow up!

  • Follow up within 24 hours.

  • Follow up within a week.

  • Follow up with leads within a month.

  • Follow up with leads within a quarter.

  • Follow up with leads every year or two years, at least until they find someone else to buy from and you can find more customers instead of trying to sell what they already had purchased from another company that no longer exists because there was no way for them to know about it ahead of time so now it's too late but whatever don't worry about future problems because everything will work out in your favor if only you keep working hard enough at this goal which is why we have set aside time just for talking about this topic today which is great because we need some new ideas on how best serve our clients needs (etc)

Get employees involved in lead generation and sales

  • Employees are your best source of leads. Your employees are more likely to trust you, have a good experience with your company, and make decisions based on their relationship with you.

  • Employees are more likely to talk about the companies they like. A happy customer will go out of their way to spread positive word-of-mouth marketing that can increase new business leads by 50% or more.

  • Employees want to do business with people they know and trust. When given the opportunity, the majority of B2B buyers prefer doing business with people they already know rather than cold calling strangers off the street through generic ad campaigns that don’t work as well (if at all).

The most successful companies are able to produce high-quality leads that convert into paying customers, while unsuccessful ones continue to waste time by chasing unqualified leads.

The most successful companies are able to produce high-quality leads that convert into paying customers, while unsuccessful ones continue to waste time by chasing unqualified leads. As a salesperson, you want to generate leads that have the best chance of turning into customers.

To do this, you need to learn how to qualify your prospects and determine their needs so that you can develop a strategy around them. You'll also want to keep in mind that qualified prospects will have higher buying authority and better decision-making power than unqualified ones. In order for you and your team members—whether they're inside or outside salespeople—to be successful at closing deals with qualified prospects, it's important for them firstly know what exactly constitutes a "good" lead prospect before getting started on generating quality B2B sales leads for themselves or their organization as quickly as possible."


It’s important for companies to realize that lead generation does not happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and money to nurture relationships with potential customers by providing them with valuable content and being available when they need it most. Companies should also consider doing their own research into what the competition is offering so they can differentiate themselves from others in similar industries while standing out on social media channels such as LinkedIn or Twitter where prospects may be active users.


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