How to Create a Faceless YouTube Video Using Only Canva (in Less than 5 Minutes)

Creating a YouTube video is no easy task. You've got to think about the length, the look, and the content. But there's one more thing you need to consider: the thumbnail. If your thumbnails don't stand out from the crowd, people won't click on them in search results. And if they don't click on them, guess what? They won't watch your video! At least not right away. It's hard work to create a great thumbnail for your YouTube videos (or any other type of marketing), but it doesn't have to be difficult once you know what works best in terms of design aesthetics and text placement. In this blog post, we'll show you how easy it can be with Canva—and then dive into some tips on how we did it ourselves!

Creating a YouTube-ready thumbnail

Now that you have your new, faceless YouTube video thumbnail, it's time to upload it. On YouTube, click "Upload" and select the image file you just created. From here, you'll see a list of recommended sizes for thumbnails based on how big your channel art should be and how much room there is to display text. If any of these look right for you (and if not, no worries!) pick one that looks good enough and skip ahead to step five.

In this case, we're going with the rectangle shape because its dimensions work well with our logo in place while leaving ample room for adding text later on in Canva's editor toolset.

Add your text.

If you want to make a video that stands out, you need to think of your text in new ways.

  • Use a bold font. You want your subtitles to be easily readable but also want them to stand out from the rest of the video. This means using a large typeface and one that contrasts well with other elements in your image or background color. Try something like Helvetica, Arial Black or Impact (all free fonts).

  • Use an easy-to-read font at a distance: If someone is watching on their phone or tablet, they may be sitting across from their TV and not looking directly at it—so we recommend using an easy-to-read font size (e.g., 16px) and one that has been tested for legibility even when viewed from a far distance (e.g., Comic Sans MS).

Adding some contrast

You’ve learned how to use Canva to create a faceless video. Now it’s time to add some contrast.

  • Use a dark background. This will make your text pop off the screen and make it look more professional.

  • Use a bright font color, like red or orange, not black or gray, because those colors can be hard to read (especially if you have poor eyesight).

  • Choose an interesting font that contrasts with your background color—this will keep people engaged for longer! Try using an italicized font for something different, but remember that this style takes up more space, so make sure there aren’t too many words in one sentence before using this method if possible-otherwise it might get too crowded!

Download and upload it.

  • Download the image from Canva and save it on your computer.

  • Upload this file to YouTube by going to your account, clicking "Upload" in the top right corner, and then choosing "Edit" in the dropdown menu for any video.

  • Click on "Add Image" at the bottom of your uploaded video and then choose your saved file from step 1 (or you can use one of their free images).

  • Make sure that you have selected an appropriate size for your thumbnail; if necessary, change it before clicking "Save Changes" at the bottom right corner! If all goes well, you should see something like this:

Creating high-quality images for thumbnails, blog posts, and other marketing is quick, easy, and free (or cheap) with Canva.

Canva is a great tool for creating images for social media and blog posts. And it’s free to use, making it an inexpensive way to make your content look more professional and eye-catching.

Canva makes it easy to create high-quality images quickly, even if you don’t have graphic design experience. In fact, there are over 1 million members who use Canva every month!


In summary, the process of creating a Faceless YouTube video is simple and straightforward. However, it relies on you clearly understanding the steps and following them in sequence. If you do this well, then you will have a great head start on your competition when it comes to ranking highly in Google or Bing search results for relevant keywords.


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