9 B2B Lead Generation Techniques You Can Try in 2022


There are a variety of lead generation techniques that can help you generate leads for your B2B company. Here are nine different methods that have proven their worth, and will likely continue to be effective in the coming years:

LinkedIn Outreach

LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects, network with other professionals, and find experts. It’s also a great place to get introduced to thought leaders in your industry.

LinkedIn also has some powerful search tools that allow you to search for specific people by name or company name. You can then use the LinkedIn connection request builder tool for each person you want to connect with so that your outreach is personalized and targeted directly at the person you are reaching out to.

Podcast Interviews

Podcast interviews are another opportunity to get your name out there. These can be a great way to build trust with prospects and help them understand what you do.

To make sure this strategy works, it's important that your podcast is easy for people to find so they can start listening from the beginning. That means making sure your episodes are published on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and other platforms where listeners might search for new podcasts. You should also put links at the end of each episode so people know where else they can listen if they love what they hear (and why wouldn't they?). A good rule of thumb is not just linking back to your website but also sharing links with other people who have been featured in an episode or created something along similar lines as yours—like an eBook or course that could help prospects overcome their challenges while using your product or service (or buying into a subscription plan).


Webinars can be a great way to connect with your audience. If you're using webinars for lead generation, you can use them to educate your audience on a particular topic or build a community around your brand. You can also use webinars as an opportunity to build relationships with potential customers. This is especially useful if you're selling high-cost items that require a lot of trust before someone buys from you.

There are several ways to run successful webinars:

  • Create valuable content that educates your audience while also meeting their needs

  • Encourage attendees to ask questions before the end of the presentation so they feel comfortable reaching out after it's over

  • Make sure there's plenty of space on your landing page where people will be directed after registering for the webinar


Blogging is a great way to get your message out there, establish your authority in your industry and generate leads.

If you are looking for B2B lead generation techniques, blogging is the easiest way to do so. You can write about anything that interests you, whether it's writing about something newsworthy or sharing expert tips on a particular topic (or both). Blogging also helps build relationships with your customers because they know that if they have questions about your products or services, they can always find answers on the blog."

Guest Posting

Guest posting is a great way to get your content in front of new audiences.

It’s also a great way to build relationships with other bloggers, who might write about you.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to build links back to your website, which are critical for search engine optimization.

Speaking Events

Speaking events are a great way to get in front of your target audience. They're also a great way to build your personal brand, especially if you're planning on writing a book or launching some kind of product. Here are some tips on how to make the most of speaking at events:

  • Network with attendees before and after the event. If there's anything worse than being stuck at an event where no one stands up and tries anything new, it's being stuck at an event where everyone is just networking like crazy but nothing ever gets done! Make sure that you talk with people both before AND after your presentation; they'll want to know more about what happened during the talk itself, so be ready with answers (and if necessary point them toward their own colleagues). If someone asks for advice or wants help getting something off their chest, give them time without interrupting anyone else trying to meet people themselves—this is one place where hard work pays off as well as being nice does!

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a great way to reach your target market. In fact, it's one of the most effective ways to reach your target market. Video marketing has been proven to build trust with viewers, build your brand, grow your audience and help you grow your business. It also gives you access to a highly-targeted audience that’s actively searching for videos related to products and services like yours.

With all these benefits available through video marketing, it makes sense that so many businesses are choosing this format for their lead generation efforts and beyond!

Newsletter Marketing

Subscribing to a newsletter is an easy way for your prospects to stay in touch with you. But how do you get people to subscribe? Determine the best time of day and week when most people are likely to read their email, and then send out your newsletters during that time.

It’s also important not to overdo it with promotional messages; only send one per month or so. This will ensure that the emails are valuable without becoming spammy or too frequent, making it easier for your subscribers to read them when they arrive in their inboxes.

The content of each newsletter should be related in some way back up through the sales funnel – from top-of-funnel lead generation strategies (like events) all the way down through post-purchase nurturing efforts (such as review requests). For example: if someone attends an event where they learned about a new product feature from you, include links within your next few newsletters that allow them access this resource again later on down their buying journey – maybe even offer discounts if they purchase now!

Lead Magnets and Other Offers

Lead magnets are a great way to attract new leads. A lead magnet is any kind of offer that gives the customer something in exchange for their contact information, such as:

  • A free ebook, checklist or cheat sheet

  • A webinar replay or video recording

  • A toolkit and/or calculator that helps users solve their problem

  • An opportunity for your customer to take a quiz about their pain points and needs, which you use to qualify them for specific services that you provide (this can be done via email outreach)

Lead Magnets Can Help You Attract Customers From Both New and Existing Lists

Using these B2B lead generation techniques can help grow your business.

If you're a B2B business owner, generating leads is one of the best ways to grow your company. It's not an easy task, but it can be done if you use these proven lead generation techniques.

Lead generation is a process that involves generating interest in your product or service before you've even made contact with a potential customer. The goal is to build relationships with them so they feel comfortable enough to make their first purchase from you without hesitation.


We’ve covered nine different lead generation techniques that B2B companies can use. Some of these, like blog and newsletter marketing, are tried-and-true methods that most marketers are already familiar with. Others might be new to you, and you can consider trying them out in your future campaigns. However, all of them have the same goal: to grow your client base and make your company more successful by helping you create connections with people who need what you offer.


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