How to Humanize Your Account Based Marketing Content Strategy.

Account based marketing (ABM) is the process of creating a personalized marketing strategy for your best clients.

It’s a great way to make sure that you’re spending your valuable resources on the right people, at the right time, with the right message.

But how can you make sure your ABM content strategy keeps up with today’s fast-paced sales environment?

Why ABM?

Why do you need to humanize your ABM content strategy?

  • ABM is a strategy that helps you connect with the right people at the right time.

  • You can focus on your most important accounts, and get more out of your marketing budget.


ABM is about the customer and their journey.

You must look at your customers as individuals, not as a list of attributes or data points.

This way, you will be able to identify each customer's individual needs and interests so that you can better serve them with relevant content in real-time based on what they need right now.

There are six key components of an effective ABM content strategy:

  • Customer Personas – Who are they?

  • What do they want?

  • Where do they live?

  • Content Audits – What do we already have?

  • Do we need more or less?

  • How could we improve it?

  • Content Planning Calendar – When should I be posting to social media, email marketing campaigns etc.?

  • Publishing Platforms (Social Media Channels) – What platforms do my target audience use most frequently?

  • How often should I post there per day/week/month/year etc.?

  • Distribution Channels (Email Marketing Campaigns) – What email marketing channels does my target audience use most frequently for newsletters subscriptions or promotions etc.?

  • Should all emails come from one provider (e.g., MailChimp), or from multiple providers within the same company who specialize in different types of communication methods (e.g., SalesforceIQ).

Humanizing Your Content Strategy.

  • Make your content more personable by using the name of the prospect, if you know it.

  • Make your content more relatable by using a story that relates to the prospect's situation.

  • Make your content more relevant by writing about something in their industry or niche, as opposed to just talking about yourself or your company.

  • Make your content more memorable by including a call-to-action at the end of each piece of content you create—and don't make it too long!

A takeaway can be a question that prompts discussion and thought, or a nugget of information that solidifies the case in your prospect’s mind.

It could also be a statement that sums up the article…

Here are some examples:

  • “What does this mean for me?” - This is great for if you have an article on a specific topic and don't want to give away too much detail about what's next.

  • It keeps them reading by making them wonder what you're referring to, which will keep you top of mind when they're ready for more information!

  • “Here's how I'm going to solve my problem using [product].

  • That sounds like something I could use!” - Use this if someone has just read an article about your product or service and wants to know if it's right for them!

  • This is especially helpful if they've already shown interest in whatever product/service you offer, but weren't sure how it would apply specifically in their situation.

  • You can also include other questions like "Have any questions?" or "Is there anything else I should know?" These are all great ways to engage with readers so they feel like they're having conversations with real people instead of just reading boring facts."


To sum up, you should always be creating content that humanizes your brand and your ABM efforts.

This can be as simple as sharing stories about your team members or giving them opportunities to share their experiences with customers.

But it also means understanding how humans really think about things—not just what they say they do when asked in a survey!

We’re sure that once we all get better at doing this, we’ll see more success in our marketing efforts too.


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